This 1:1 ratio is a part of the movement to put the entire, real-life world onto Minecraft. Here are the Top 15 Minecraft Cities That Are Fun! 1. However, after doing the research for this article and seeing the vast amounts of creativity in these player-created Minecraft cities, I am excited to see what styles and architecture people use to make these. There is also a baseball stadium in Ashfield, called Genmar Stadium.When given the headline for this article, I was very unsure of what was meant by “Minecraft cities” as I am a survival player on OG worlds. Greenfield Eagles are a football team based at the Eagles Stadium at Old Georgetown. In the future 0.5.4 update, there will be an airport.Ī large port is located south of the city, named the Port of Greenfield, added on 0.5.1. The city also boasts an interstate system, with large interchanges at Ashfield and Downtown. The player can also warp to the district zones by either pressing a button to a large room, where the player can go to their provided district, or if the player is on a server with warp commands, they can use this to teleport anywhere directly. There is also loads of bus stations dotted around the city. The city contains a large subway system and a tram in Ashfield. The north and east part contains the urban sprawl of the city, with the north west place having a large retail area, with a Minekea.

The south part (Longport Keys) features a resort island with a beach, a zoo and a mall.

The west part of the city contains mostly industrial buildings like factories and power plants. The two main cities are Greenfield and Ashfield. The city still has an active player base and the city is still being worked on to this day. Barely any building made before 0.5 in downtown survived the update except few buildings. When 0.5 was released, it completely overhauled and refurbished most areas. Eventually the city grew and more builders were hired.

The very first world download came on October 30th of the same year. On October 10th, 2011 however, the entire server was griefed by 3 players. Over the next months, he and other builders created the downtown of the city. The very first structure built was a gas station near Retail Park district (It still exists today). Greenfield (then known as GreenField) was made in 2011 by THEJESTR.